Moving into college fresh out of high school is a daunting task, but one that comes with a plethora of benefits to personal and social growth. If you are in that position yourself, or know someone who is about to embark on this journey into the new frontier of college, then having the skills of communication, navigation, organization, and general housekeeping in your back pocket will certainly aid you as you go.
Once you are on your own, being able to advocate for your needs effectively and with confidence will take you far. You will be making new friends, talking to busy professors, and potentially managing all of your own appointments–whether that be with guidance counselors or employers. In all of these instances, you will need to communicate with aptness and confidence so that the people around you both know how to best help you and perceive you as a confident young adult.
It may seem dated and simple to say that it is essential to know how to give and take directions when it comes to traveling from point A to point B, but having your directional bearings on your new home will serve you well in the long run. Being able to walk or drive places without a map helps you to be more aware of your surroundings–making the place you live more enjoyable– and allows you to quickly adapt to other new locations. It will also help you should you ever need to take public transportation.
Maintaining an organized space will help you keep track of your school work and personal belongings, but organization is a skill that goes beyond being able to manage your personal belongings. While the physical aspect of organization is pivotal– certainly if you mean to have a relatively happy roommate relationship– being able to manage your time is also essential to your college success.
As you go through college, there will be many tempting activities and outings with your friends that may conflict with your ability to get homework done or work on projects. It is your responsibility to weigh the importance of all of those events and assignments to ensure a healthy balance between work and play. Keeping a positive school to life balance will make your memories of your time there all the more fond.
Housekeeping Skills
A shocking reality for many college students after leaving their childhood homes is that their mom’s housekeeping skills do not follow them to their college dorms. This means as a newbie college student, you will need to keep your room clean, wash your own dishes, and do your own laundry. Make sure that you stay ahead of these tasks so that they do not pile up and become overwhelming and a source of nasty odors in your room. You will be much happier with clean clothes and a trash free living space.
These college skills are the foundation of an individual dipping their toes into the pool of independence and adulthood, so mastering them before and in the beginning of your transition into college will put you in a position to have a healthy and successful college experience. Practice at home before you move out, then maintain those healthy habits as you continue to forge your own path in your new environment.