When people ask about laser scanning services, what they’re often asking for is LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging. LiDAR is a very specific type of technology that uses laser light. It’s similar to radar, but instead of sending out radio waves, it sends out laser pulses. By measuring the amount of time it takes for the laser beam to come back, LiDAR can generate very accurate measurements and produce 3D models of the area being scanned.
Practical Applications for LiDAR technology
LiDAR has a ton of practical applications, and is used in a variety of industries. LiDAR can be installed on drones to collect data of large areas from overhead, or they can be installed on autonomous vehicles that can go in places that are too small or too dangerous for a human to enter.
LiDAR can efficiently collect data that would take humans hours, or even days, to collect manually. For example, LiDAR can create a “digital twin” of a building in mere minutes that can then be used by an architect or general contractor to create floorplans and elevations, which are often needed prior to completing a renovation. To generate the same models without LiDAR would require someone to gather measurements with a tape measure and then convert those measurements into building plans in a computer aided drafting program. Not only will the LiDAR-generated model take less time, it will likely be more accurate than one that is produced using other means.
LiDAR attached to a drone can fly over a large area of land that is to be leveled for a construction project and accurately assess the cut/fill area, saving the time and cost of a surveying crew. Or it can create a topographic map that can then be used for urban planning purposes, or to monitor the erosion of an area over time.
LiDAR is even used in autonomous vehicles. It is able to scan the environment in real time, so a vehicle can avoid hazards and navigate the roads safely.
Hiring a Laser Scanning Service
If you think you have a need for a laser scanning service, make sure you call around to ensure that the company actually provides the type of LiDAR scanning you need. Some LiDAR service providers focus on an extremely specialized type of service, while others offer a range of scanning services.
Enhanced Scanning in Southern California is a scanning company that offers LiDAR for various industries, using both drones and UAVs. They also incorporate other technologies when needed to provide a complete picture for their clients.