Are you considering starting a mobile phlebotomy business in your area? This type of business can be very successful, but just like with any business, you have to do your research and put in the work to make it happen.
Here are 4 tips to get your mobile phlebotomy business started on the right foot.
Research the Competition
There is a lot of potential business out there for mobile phlebotomy companies, but if there are already several companies operating in your area, the market may not support one more. However, if you are able to convince patients and doctors that you provide a superior service, or that you can do the same thing for less money your business could still thrive. Perhaps there’s a market that your competition has not yet tapped into. Opening a mobile phlebotomy business where there already is one (or more) isn’t necessarily a recipe for disaster, but it may require you to get more creative with your marketing than you would otherwise have to.
Prioritize Professional Marketing
Speaking of marketing, you’ll want to make sure that anytime you promote your new business, it’s done in a professional manner. Unless you are experienced and skilled in graphic design, you should hire someone to help you produce attractive and informative promotional pieces.
Your marketing starts with a great company name and a well-designed logo. It’s important to thoroughly think through early marketing decisions like these, because they are difficult to change down the road. Choose a name that will serve your company well as you grow.
Learn from Experience
There are a lot of details to consider when starting a new business. It can help to learn from someone who has gone through a similar process. Finding a mentor in a similar industry can be a great option. If you don’t have anyone whose knowledge you can tap into, consider hiring a business consultant. However, business consultants can be pricey—often charging more than $100 per hour for their time. If that’s more than your budget can afford, consider purchasing a dedicated guide to starting a mobile phlebotomy company. This particular ebook was written by an experienced mobile phlebotomy company owner, as well as small business experts from Businessing Magazine.
Focus Your Spending
If you’re like most entrepreneurs, your start-up funds are limited. On the other hand, there are so many costs associated with starting a new business. As you launch your new business, make sure you are only spending money on things you absolutely need to run your business. Save unnecessary purchases for later—when you are consistently bringing in income. For the first couple of years, you may find that you are reinvesting a good portion of your income back into the business. This is normal. Keep pushing forward, and eventually you will find your mobile phlebotomy business turning a handsome profit!