At one point or another, just about every church will find itself in a position where they are without a lead pastor or about to be without one. After all, pastors retire, pastors move on to other churches, they get sick or pass away unexpectedly, or they are let go from their position by the church. Whatever the circumstances were that led to the church being without a pastor, it can be unsettling for the congregation and church staff to be without a leader. Some churches are fortunate enough to have another pastor on staff who can step into the role of lead pastor, or they are part of a denomination who can support the church through their transition period, but what about churches that don’t have these options?
Some churches choose to navigate this type of transition period by bringing in a full-time interim pastor. An interim pastor is someone who will step into the role of lead pastor to preach and guide the church until a new lead pastor is found. An intentional interim pastor is one who comes in with the express purpose of being there temporarily to guide the church through the transition period.
There are many great benefits that a full-time interim pastor can bring to a church. Here are a few:
A Full-Time Interim Pastor Can Bring Stability to a Church
A church without a lead pastor in place can often feel like an unstable place. There may be different people preaching from week to week. It can also be unclear who is guiding the church and making important decisions. The future of the church can feel uncertain.
When the church decides to bring in an interim pastor, the congregation and church staff then have someone to look to for direction and guidance. There is a consistency to Sunday mornings and church staff meetings, which can set people’s minds at ease and keep the church moving forward in its ministry.
An Intentional Interim Pastor Can Bring About Much-Needed Change
When handled correctly, a time of transition, like when a church is between lead pastors, can be a great opportunity for a church to usher in some much-needed change. The church may want to revisit its mission and vision statements before bringing in a new lead pastor. Or, they may need to address some long-standing issues or conflicts among members of the congregation.
Some interim pastors are specifically trained and gifted in ministering to churches in transition, and they know how to walk churches through tough issues. VitalChurch Ministry, an organization that provides intentional interim pastors to churches throughout the United States, has been doing this for many years. Their pastors go into churches to help them work through their issues and bring about church revitalization. They pray with the church for guidance from the Holy Spirit and take them through a process to help them discover and embrace their mission as a church.
A Fresh Start for the Church’s Next Lead Pastor
A church that has worked through their issues and has embraced a mission that the congregation is excited about is in a great position to bring in their next lead pastor! The new pastor won’t have to deal with a lot of baggage from the past and can step into a healthy and revitalized church that is ready to enter its next phase of ministry. This is the greatest blessing a church can give a new pastor!